\nUNREGISTERED\n\nMoney97 is Shareware,\nplease refer to the docs or\n-if they're missing-\ncontact the author!\n
_MSG_user_reg (//)
\n\033c\033bMoney97 0.94b (Mar 13 1997)\033n\n\n\033cThis copy is registered to\n\n%s %s\n%s\n%05ld %s\n%s\nReg.Nr.: %ld\n\nThanks for your support!\n
_MSG_money_quit (//)
Are you sure, you want to quit Money97?
_MSG_TX_about_title (//)
Money97 - About?
_MSG_TX_user_title (//)
Money97 - User?
_MSG_SL_max_remember (//)
Max. remember
_MSG_add_is_default (//)
Add is default?
_MSG_entry_completition (//)
Entry completition
_MSG_title_memory (//)
Title Memory
_MSG_TX_currency (//)
_MSG_TX_numformat (//)
Number Format
_MSG_TX_app_title (//)
Money97\nMoney Manager
_MSG_BT_auto_ok (//)
Closes this window!
_MSG_BT_user_ok (//)
Closes this window!
_MSG_years (//)
Displays the cost summary\nover the years of the actual\nproject!
_MSG_year_fixedcosts (//)
Pops up the fixcost editor for costs\nstarting with the selected years!
_MSG_years_sum_contents (//)
Displays the sum of costs over\nthe years of that project!
_MSG_month_edit (//)
Pops up the month editor\nto edit the costs of the\nselected month!
_MSG_months_sum_contents (//)
Displays the total sum over\nall costs of these months!
_MSG_main_status (//)
Displays information about the\ncurrent project!
_MSG_me_month (//)
Displays which month these\ncosts belong to!
_MSG_me_entries (//)
Displays a list of this year's\nmonths and their costs!
_MSG_me_sum_complete (//)
Displays the sum of costs\nof the months of the\nselected year!
_MSG_me_fixcost_sum (//)
Displays the sum of fixcosts\nfor this month!
_MSG_me_date (//)
Holds the date this cost occurs!
_MSG_me_titles (//)
Holds a list of titles,\npreviously used!
_MSG_PO_me_titles (//)
Holds the title of this cost!
_MSG_me_cathegories (//)
Holds the section of this cost!
_MSG_me_dm_labl (//)
The actual currency!
_MSG_me_clearfields (//)
Clear the entry fields!
_MSG_me_add (//)
Add the contents of the\nentry fields as a new\ncost entry!
_MSG_me_edit (//)
Update the active cost\nentry with the contents\nof the edit fields!
_MSG_me_remove (//)
Removes the active cost\nentry from the list!
_MSG_me_ok (//)
Close the editor window\nfor the months costs!
_MSG_prefs_ti_max_remember (//)
Max. amount of titles\nin popup list!
_MSG_prefs_ti_default_add (//)
If checked, unknown titles\nwill be added to the pop-\nup list automatically!
_MSG_prefs_ti_entry_completition (//)
If checked title entries will\nbe completed by comparison\nwith the popup-list!
_MSG_prefs_currency_label (//)
The lable for your currency\ne.g. (DM, $, ...)
_MSG_prefs_currency_pos (//)
Position of currency label\nrelated to the number!
_MSG_prefs_formats (//)
Example formats for costs!
_MSG_prefs_formats_entry (//)
Enter the number format\nfor the costs, here!
_MSG_sparten (//)
List of defined sections.
_MSG_months (//)
List of months.
_MSG_sec_add_help (//)
Adds a section.
_MSG_sec_rem_help (//)
Removes the marked section.
_MSG_sec_edit_help (//)
Edit the marked section.
_MSG_sec_entry_help (//)
Enter/modify the name\nof the marked section.
_MSG_prefs_ok_help (//)
Close the preferences editor.
_MSG_fc_startyear_help (//)
All entries you make,\nstart with this year.
_MSG_fixcost_lv_help (//)
All the fixcosts you\nhave defined so far.
_MSG_fc_title_list_help (//)
List of titles,\nused so far.
_MSG_fc_title_ed_help (//)
Holds the title of the new/\nmarked fixcost entry.
_MSG_fc_section_list_help (//)
List of sections,\ndefined in prefs.
_MSG_fc_section_entry_help (//)
Holds the section of the new\nmarked fixcost entry.
_MSG_fc_period_help (//)
Define the period of\nthe edited fixcost.
_MSG_fc_per_from_help (//)
Defines the startmonth of\nthe fixcost, if apropriate\nperiod is selected.
_MSG_fc_add_entry_help (//)
Adds the new fixcost\nentry to the list.
_MSG_fc_rem_entry_help (//)
Removes the marked fixcost\nentry from the list.
_MSG_fc_upd_entry_help (//)
Updates the marked fixcost\nentry in the list.
_MSG_fc_ok_help (//)
Close the fixcost editor!
_MSG_BT_year_fixedcosts_help (//)
Pops up the\nfixcost editor!
_MSG_me_cost_entry_help (//)
The cost itself!
_MSG_me_titles_help (//)
The title for that\ncost entry.
_MSG_fc_subgrp_2_help (//)
Enter the costs in the\nfields of the months\nthey occur.
_MSG_year_add_help (//)
Add a new year to the project.\nFixcosts will be applied\nautomatically.
_MSG_year_rem_help (//)
Remove the marked year\nfrom the project.
_MSG_really_new (//)
Warning! Any changes since last\nsave will be lost. Are you sure\nyou want to continue?
_MSG_not_saved_yet (//)
The actual project has not been saved,\nyet. Really quit Money97?
_MSG_memory_error (//)
\033cError (#0)\nNot enough memory for operation.
_MSG_pl_ff_error (//)
\033cError (#1)\nUnknown file format for project.
_MSG_new_v_error (//)
\033cError (#2)\nProject was written by a\nnewer version of Money97.
_MSG_chunk_titl (//)
\033cError (#3)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_chunk_sect (//)
\033cError (#4)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_chunk_pref (//)
\033cError (#5)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_chunk_yeas (//)
\033cError (#6)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_chunk_year (//)
\033cError (#7)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_chunk_mont (//)
\033cError (#8)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_chunk_cost (//)
\033cError (#9)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_chunk_fixc (//)
\033cError (#10)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_chunk_fxcs (//)
\033cError (#11)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_pchunk_titl (//)
\033cError (#12)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_pchunk_sect (//)
\033cError (#13)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_pchunk_pref (//)
\033cError (#14)\nChunk mismatch. File is corrupt!
_MSG_prfs_uff (//)
\033cError (#15)\nUnknown file format for preferences file!
_MSG_illegal_key (//)
\033c*** Warning ***\n\nYou are currently using an\nillegal keyfile. If you got this\none from the author, contact him\nIMMEDIATELY to get a new one.\n\nPlease read the section \"The Keyfile\"\nin the documentation!